Success in Iraq

Date: Sept. 23, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

SUCCESS IN IRAQ -- (House of Representatives - September 23, 2004)

(Mr. BURGESS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, this morning, the House heard from the prime minister of Iraq, Dr. Allawi, and I think it is important to come and underscore some of the things that he told us this morning. The overriding message that Dr. Allawi gave this House is we are succeeding in the country of Iraq.

He said he had three messages for America. He first wanted to say thank you. He secondly pointed out that the world at large was better off because of the action taken by the United States of America. And finally, he wanted the world to know that they would get it right on the ground in Iraq.

He talked about the cost of freedom. In fact, he reminded us of what Harry Truman said a couple of generations ago, "If you want peace, you better be prepared to fight for it."

He told us that they have mourned, as we have mourned here at home.

Iraq is the battleground for those who oppose freedom. It is their last chance, and they will not succeed.

He did warn us that defeatism contributes to more violence on the ground in Iraq, and I think that is a message that we all can take home with us and remember these 40 days remaining before the election.
