Issue Position: Marriage

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Marriage

The family is the most fundamental institution of society. It has existed for all of recorded human history. While there have been aberrations in some cultures and at certain times in history, the most recognized form has been one man married to one woman. It is the height of arrogance and folly to tinker with an institution which has served mankind so well. The full weight of the unintended consequences may not be felt for generations, but in Europe where such experiments have been tried, it has led to a marked diminution in marriage formation and a marked increase in infidelity and divorce. If we are to cast aside the historic definition of marriage, why stop at one modification to accommodate homosexuality? We have no way of knowing what challenges will come next to test the constitutionality of the new definition. We must stop this once and for all.

A Constitutional Amendment will allow the people to speak. We must cease the tyranny of political correctness which courses like a cancer through our public schools, colleges, businesses and other institutions. It is time reaffirm the timeless truth that marriage is a sacred and fixed institution, and is not subject to redefinition to meet the fleeting fads and demands of contemporary culture. When the American people are no longer threatened with the loss of their jobs, slander by the media and the disapproval of pop culture they will speak loudly and clearly that marriage is what it is and they do not want it manipulated and molested by homosexual activists looking to advance their radical sexual. Cultural and political agenda.
