Issue Position: Agriculture

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Agriculture is Virginia's largest industry. Because agriculture is such a critical part of Virginia's economy, it is necessary that government take commonsense steps to ensure the long-term sustainability of the agricultural industry. Sustainability can be supported by a combination of regulation and incentives.

Crop subsidies should be rebalanced to encourage the production of healthy foods that better reflect the FDA"s recommended consumption.

For example, subsidies for crops to be used as bio-fuels need to be reconsidered and possibly reduced or ended. Alternative energy such as solar and wind should be emphasized so the use of food crops as fuel may distort the market for food and the way productive farmlands are used. Bio-fuel subsidies need to be re-examined.

Update and expand school lunch programs, while ensuring that there are healthier foods offered to the children.

We need to apply the most up to date knowledge and technology to School Lunch Programs to ensure that they support the inter-related goals of supporting American farmers and providing American school children with nutritious meals at affordable prices. This is an initiative promoted by First Lady Michelle Obama.

Expand funding of the Organic Certification Cost Share Programs.

As noted above, the most cost-effective support government can provide to farmers is education. As increasing numbers of Americans turn to organic foods to ensure their food is healthy and safe, the Federal government needs to help educate farmers about the standards required to achieve organic status and help farmers with the additional costs and paperwork necessary to brand their produce as organic. Federal policy should reward the production of safe, healthy foods rather than subsidize the raw materials used to produce unhealthy processed foods.

Expand the use of recycled waste as fertilizer.

Our current food supply chain produces enormous quantities of recyclable waste that could be used as fertilizer to restore our farmlands, but this material instead ends up in landfills. We need to explore innovative means of capturing recyclable waste and using it to replenish our farmlands.

Re-examine the Patenting of Life Forms.

The creation and mass propagation of genetically modified organisms needs to be carefully re-examined. Diversity in our food supply is a critical safety net against crop disease and crop failure caused by monocultures. Federal funding should be withdrawn from corporate research departments and should be redirected towards universities where research can balance commercial use with long-term sustainability.

Require Accurate Labeling of Genetically Modified Organisms.

Providing accurate information is a key role played by government. Agricultural products containing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) or Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (RBGH) should be accurately labeled. The federal government should ensure that consumers get accurate information about the foods they are offered. GMO products should be studied to determine their health effects and risks to humans before being approved for human consumption.
