Pitts' Comments on State of the Union


Date: Jan. 24, 2012
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense Energy

"The president had some good things to say about supporting our military and opening up more public lands to energy exploration. I just hope that his actions will match his rhetoric. Our military is about to face very deep cuts and for years this administration blocked permits for oil and gas.

"I was disappointed to hear the President pushing ideas that divide the country like raising taxes, spending more money, and creating more red tape. These are failed policies. Empowering individual Americans will help us rebuild our economy. Empowering government will only lead to more lobbyists and crony capitalism.

"Some of the big decisions are going to have to be determined at the polls this fall, but the election is 10 months off and we shouldn't be sitting on our hands until then. I'm going to be working with Democrats and Republicans to pass good legislation that helps create jobs. I hope the campaign will not overshadow our honest efforts to get Washington, and the nation, working again."
