Capps Applauds Administration Decision Ensuring Birth Control Access


Date: Jan. 20, 2012
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Reproduction

Today Congresswoman Lois Capps (CA-23) applauded the announcement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on new rules governing women's preventive services and access to contraception.

I applaud the Administration for making a decision based on science that greatly expands women's access to affordable contraceptive coverage. Especially in tough economic times like we are experiencing now, women and their partners often have to choose between high contraceptive costs and paying the bills. Today's announcement will go a long way in making sure that cost does not prohibit women from planning their pregnancies.

This decision marks a tremendous victory for women's health and equality, and will ensure that women have access to affordable contraceptive coverage. This limited exemption strikes the same balance -- respecting religious institutions' concerns while ensuring women have access to a basic health service - that has worked in California for years.

Coverage for FDA approved contraceptives, combined with their approval for coverage of screening for gestational diabetes, counseling and screening for sexually transmitted infections and domestic violence, comprehensive breastfeeding support and one free annual well woman preventive care visit, represent a huge win for women and their families.

For years there has been a relentless campaign to politicize women's health issues and it is endangering the health of women and their families. The Administration deserves credit for standing its ground and following the science."
