Issue Position: Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Environment

The Chicago Reader described Mike Quigley as "the greenest elected official in Chicago." A lifelong Sierra Club Member, Mike spends his weekends participating in river and beach cleanups and brings a passion for environmental protection on a local, regional and global basis to all of his legislative efforts.

As a Cook County Commissioner, he sponsored Cook County's Green Building Ordinance, spearheading the movement towards green construction across Cook County. He also introduced new purchasing guidelines for office products and county vehicles. Because of his efforts, the County is purchasing hybrid vehicles for many of its departments and the purchase of recycled goods is now a standard practice. As chair of the Forest Preserve Board Finance Committee, Mike helped protect the 76,000 acres of the Cook County Forest Preserve District.

As a Congressman, Mike supported the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES) -- to create cleaner air, jobs, improve health, protect the environment, and increase our energy independence. Mike has fought against every effort to weaken the regulatory framework which preserves our nation's air and water, and continues to push for greater awareness and understanding of the costs associated with carbon-based energy.

Mike introduced the Federal Birdsafe Buildings Bill, which calls for each public building constructed, acquired, or altered by the General Services Administration (GSA) to incorporate, to the maximum extent possible, bird-safe building materials and design features. He also introduced a resolution commending the United States Army for its green building initiatives.

Mike is committed to preservation and protection of the Great Lakes. He worked with the Great Lakes Task Force to support $475 million for the clean-up and restoration of the Great Lakes and Great Lake states. He has continually pressed for additional funding and strategic thinking in addressing the threat posed by Asian Carp.
