Middle Class America, Take Notice

Floor Speech

Mr. TONKO. Mr. Speaker, at the expense of the taxpayer, Members of the House of Representatives were called back to Washington to conclude business on a payroll tax extension. The truth of the matter is we never even voted on the bill. Why, perish the thought! The bill would have probably passed. Who loses? 160 million Americans who won't realize a payroll tax extender; 48 million Americans, seniors who won't have access to their Medicare health provider; 2.2 million unemployed Americans who through no fault of their own lost a job, won't have their unemployment insurance extended.

You know, when it came to providing tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, there were no bells and whistles. There were no pipelines attached to the legislation. There were no pay-fors. But when it comes to a tax cut for middle class Americans, all kinds of bells and whistles are attached, all kinds of demands. This is a facade that is seen through clearly. When they had a chance to address this issue, they called it ``a gimmick''; it wasn't worth their attention. So don't let them fool you. This is just a way to keep moving the goal post and not do the right thing. Middle class America, take notice. We regret not taking a vote in this House.
