Fighting for Immigration Reform


On Monday, November 21, I will travel to Alabama to participate in an Ad HOC Hearing led by Congressman Luis Gutierrez. Along with ten other members of Congress, we will examine the negative effect Alabama's harsh new immigration law, HB56 has had on the state, and how it has affected students and children. We must also remember that when we turn our back on those who came to these shores to become American citizens and helped build this great nation of ours that we are turning our backs on ourselves. It is time for the federal governement to enact comprehensive immigration reform. Click here for more information regarding the trip to Alabama.

This week the New York State Board of Regents endorsed the "Education Equity for DREAMers Act," which would extend state financial aid to undocumented students, and seemingly provide a solution for immigrant students, whose ability to participate in our civil society has been weakened by our broken immigration system. With our federal government's inaction, and Congress failing to enact the DREAM Act -- it is time that we took matters into our own hands.
