Statement on Bipartisan Support for Detainee Provisions


Date: Nov. 29, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) today issued the following statement on the overwhelming bipartisan vote defeating an amendment to strip the compromise detainee provisions from the FY 2012 Defense Authorization bill:

"By an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 61-37, the Senate today defeated an amendment to strip the compromise detainee provisions from the FY 2012 Defense Authorization bill. Today's vote reflects the broad bipartisan support for the detainee provisions in the Senate, which will help defend our nation against the threat posed by al-Qaeda while upholding our values and honoring our Constitution. The language in the Defense Authorization bill regarding detainees preserves our nation's ability to gain valuable intelligence from members of al-Qaeda and gives the President the ability to prevent terrorists from returning to the battlefield. I look forward to the Senate completing its vital work of providing for our nation's defense and our men and women in uniform by passing the Defense Authorization bill by the end of this week."
