A Balanced Solution


Solving the nation's budgetary problems should include balancing the budget. As a part of the debt ceiling deal, which was passed earlier this year, Congress is required to vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment by the end of the year. I am a co-sponsor of two proposed amendments, both introduced by Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), which would require that Congress not spend more than the federal government takes in.

Some in Washington don't understand this approach. However, I know people in the Ninth District understand the importance of a balanced budget. Business owners know that if you operate in the red, you won't be in business for long. Families know that there are real consequences to spending above and beyond their income each month. The federal government needs to tighten its belt and stop piling debt on the backs of our children and grandchildren. While serving as Majority Leader in the Virginia House of Delegates, I saw how effective a Balanced Budget Amendment can be. While those who want to spend will still push for more spending, a Balanced Budget Amendment makes people think about it and would certainly prevent the government from racking up additional trillion dollar deficits. I will keep you updated on this issue.
