GOP Women's Hour: A Balanced Budget Amendment

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 15, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. ROBY. I thank my friend from Ohio for yielding, and I do appreciate the opportunity to spend time again with my GOP women colleagues here on the floor to talk about these important issues.

With your visual here on the floor, I think you have really done a great job of encapsulating what the issue is, which is that hardworking American taxpayers are balancing their budgets every single day. That's why almost 75 percent of Americans are with us on this. They want this balanced budget amendment, and this is a bipartisan action that can be taken in order to restore fiscal sanity. We know that every day there are more and more Americans who are out of work and that there are more and more Americans who have just given up looking for a job. We're not setting a real good example here in Congress when we can't get our fiscal house in order.

I just want to point back to our jobs agenda, the 22 bills that we have sitting over in the hands of the Senate right now that we know will get government out of the way so that the private sector can do what they do best, and that is create jobs. You know, there are so many men and women, small business owners throughout this country that are looking to us to reduce the size of government, get the job-killing regulations out of the way. And they have capital to invest, to create jobs, but they're not doing it because of the uncertainty associated with what's going on right here in Washington, D.C.

Here we have a proposal before us. We have a way for us to restore this fiscal sanity; and that is for us to balance our budget, not spend more money than we bring in. We've talked about this before when we were down here during the debt ceiling debate. You can't pick up the phone and call your credit card company and say, Hey, I owe you all this money, and I can't make my monthly payment, and I can't make the interest payment, so can you make me another loan just so I can pay the interest payment on the money that I already owe you? That's where this Federal Government is right now. Now if you can't do that from your kitchen table with the bills that you owe, why in the world should the Federal Government be allowed to do that either?

So I would just say to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle in both the House and the Senate, let's do this together. Let's do this for the American people. Let's do this for all the people that are out of work who are looking to us to lead by example and get our fiscal house in order, just like the millions of hardworking, tax-paying Americans do every single day.

Thank you for the opportunity again to share this hour with you.

