Issue Position: Creating Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2011

America is suffering, with 20 percent of its workforce --25 million people -- out of work, underemployed, or no longer even holding on to the hope of finding a job. We have a million fewer jobs than we did 12 years ago and the jobs we have, pay less. "Made in America" is an endangered species. As president, any policy Buddy Roemer considers will first be evaluated through the lens of the impact it could have on American jobs created or lost.

In order to restore jobs in America, we must restore America's industrial prominence. The only way to do so is to establish legitimate and reasonable economic barriers to unfair competition from abroad.

* Buddy Roemer wants to restore pride in the "Made in America" label, so that consumers have the choice of buying products that help employ their neighbors.

* Part of the plan to restore jobs in the American industrial sector is the idea that trade must be fair first, rather than free, and that in order to address America's massive trade deficit we must correct for advantages other producing nations gain by avoiding America's health, safety and environmental standards.

* Buddy Roemer would encourage American businesses to buy American, even if it costs a little more, through tax amendments and incentives.
