United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 12, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. JENKINS. I thank the chairman for his leadership on this important issue and for yielding time.

Madam Speaker, many Americans believe that Congress can't agree on anything; but if there is one thing Washington can agree on, it's that we're in a jobs crisis and that we should be doing everything in our power to create an environment that encourages the private sector to thrive and create jobs.

If we are looking to make a dramatic and immediate impact on our job market, we need to look no further than the South Korean trade agreement. Ratifying this deal will secure at least 70,000 American jobs as we increase our exports by more than $10 billion, adding $12 billion to our GDP. This agreement also means jobs for Kansas. Our agriculture sector is looking at a multibillion-dollar expansion in our processed foods, chemical and transportation industries, which do well over $150 million of business with South Korea each year, and are prime to expand further under this deal.

If our focus is on jobs, jobs, jobs, then let's pass this South Korean trade agreement, and let's get America back to work.

