September Unemployment Report

Date: Oct. 11, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Today, the Department of Labor reported that the unemployment rate remained at a stubborn 9.1 percent in September. President Obama visited North Texas this week to tout his new plan for job creation, yet nearly 14 million jobless Americans are still waiting for the promised results of his first "Stimulus." Chronic unemployment plagues our nation because failed policies continue to plague Washington.

The Obama Administration's tax-and-spend agenda has resulted in twenty-nine months of an unemployment rate at or above 9 percent, marking the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. That is why the President and the Democrat-led Senate should change directions and join House Republicans in supporting real job-creating solutions. By supporting common-sense policies, job creators will gain a renewed sense of confidence that will allow them to invest, expand and hire again.

House Republicans have led the fight in cutting spending and reducing the size of government so that our nation's free enterprise system can flourish. Numerous jobs bills based on the pro-growth initiatives outlined in our Plan for America's Job Creators have passed the House and are stalled in the Senate. I call on Senate Democrats to stand up and take action on House-passed bills to change our nation's long-term fiscal trajectory, get Americans back to work and ensure a brighter future for generations to come.
