
Floor Speech

Mr. COHEN. Some few weeks ago, the President addressed this Congress in this Chamber about jobs and introduced the American Jobs Act. Something that would help small businesses, something that would help put policemen and firemen and teachers to work, something that would help rebuild schools, a bill that would appropriately put Americans back to work and address our problems, but the Senate killed it yesterday. We should have known, and we did know the Senate would kill it because Senator McConnell said right after the President was sworn in: Our main job is to see that he's not reelected.

The President is in support of these trade agreements. I'm not; he is. The Republicans are, but they don't give him credit for it. They condemn him today, the previous speaker, and yet he's for the trade agreements. He couldn't do anything for them. If he made them a kidney transplant, they'd want two. There's nothing he could do they'd think was right.

We need to create jobs. It's the main issue in my district and in this Nation. We need to work together to create jobs in America, and the millionaires need to pay their fair share.
