Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 5, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. President, I rise today to speak in favor of the two amendments filed by my good friend from Ohio, Senator Portman, my amendment No. 674, and above all the issue of the day, jobs.

Americans have had to endure great hardship over the past few years. This recession has robbed millions of people of their jobs, their homes, their businesses, and their sense of security. No State has been hit harder than the State of Nevada. My State has the unfortunate distinction of leading the Nation in unemployment, foreclosures, and bankruptcies. And there is no question that the status quo of dysfunctional government must end.

People from all over the country are struggling just to get by and are desperate for real solutions. The underlying legislation takes the wrong approach to job creation and can be very detrimental to economic growth in our country. Inciting a trade war with China will not create jobs.

In my home State of Nevada, a trade war would hurt tourism. It would stifle growth in renewable energy development and increase costs to consumers at a time when they can least afford it.

Working to sell American goods in foreign markets is what we should be fighting for. Instead, it seems job creation and economic growth have taken a back seat to political posturing and grandstanding in Washington. It is clear that the approach this administration and its supporters have taken for economic recovery has failed miserably. Out-of-control spending, a health care law no one can afford, and seemingly endless streams of regulation are crippling employers, stifling economic growth, and killing jobs. Instead of fighting for measures that create and protect jobs, this administration has created more government that continues to impede economic growth at every turn.

This government continues to tax too much, spend too much, and borrow too much. The American public and businesses alike are waiting on a plan that can plant the seeds of economic growth and bolster job creation. Instead, all they get from this government when it comes to job creation is a big wet blanket.

They need Washington to provide relief from new burdensome and overly intrusive regulations. Congress must help job creators by ensuring every regulation is vetted with a full understanding of the impact it will have on businesses across the country.

So I am pleased to join with Senator Portman in this fight to rein in excessive government regulation and to implement a market-benefit analysis for all agencies, both executive and independent, so the American public will know the true cost of these regulations. As President Obama said: We must rein in government agencies and force them to help businesses when they refuse to do so. I could not agree more.

There are a number of actions Congress can take immediately to help bolster our Nation's economy. The adoption of Senator Portman's amendments is one of those actions. I look forward to continuing to work with him on these issues. I believe our best days are still ahead, but we need to change course now. We need to roll back the regulations that are tying the hands of entrepreneurs across

America. We can help hasten an economic recovery by embracing progrowth policies that place more money in the pockets of Americans.

I would also like to highlight another issue that would help create jobs and provide certainty for the businesses across the country; that is, Congress should pass a budget. Congress has not passed a budget in nearly 2 1/2 years. Passing a comprehensive budget is one of the most basic responsibilities of Congress, but it has failed to accomplish this task.

America desperately needs a comprehensive 10-year plan that offers real solutions to the economic and fiscal problems in this country. We cannot lower unemployment rates in Nevada or restore the housing market without a holistic approach to reining in Federal spending and lowering the national debt.

Congress passed another continuing resolution that lacks a long-term approach to restoring our Nation to fiscal sanity. Instead, this bill funds the government for just a few more months. Congress cannot continue to function without a measure of accountability to hold Members of Congress to their constitutionally mandated responsibility, which is why I introduced the no budget, no pay amendment, amendment No. 674.

This measure requires Congress to pass a budget resolution by the beginning of any fiscal year. If Congress fails to pass a budget, then Members of Congress do not get paid. How can Congress commit to a debt reduction plan without a budget? Any serious proposal to rein in Federal spending and create jobs starts with a responsible budget.

At home in Nevada and across this country, if people do not accomplish the tasks their jobs require, they do not get paid. Somehow this very basic standard of responsibility is lost upon Washington.

The no budget, no pay amendment is not an end-all solution to our economic difficulties. It is, however, an important measure that Congress should adopt in order to show the American people that Members of Congress are serious about restoring our country to a period of economic prosperity.

Nevadans work hard for their paychecks. So should Congress. And since the majority believes the legislation before us today is a jobs bill, I encourage them to take up other measures that will help with job creation, such as opening our country to energy exploration, streamlining the permitting process for responsible development of our domestic resources, and taking the aggressive step of reforming our Tax Code. Let's make the Tax Code simpler for individuals and employers. Cut out the special interest loopholes while reducing the overall tax burden for all Americans.

Instead of looking for new ways to tax the American public, we should make our Tax Code more competitive and provide businesses the stability they need to grow and to create jobs. The continual threat of increased taxes feeds the uncertainty that serves as an impediment to economic growth. These are all things that both this administration and Congress could do immediately to boost economic recovery.

Let's give the American people a government that works for them. Removing impediments to job creation will get Americans working again and ensure our children and grandchildren have a brighter future.

I yield the floor and I suggest the absence of a quorum.
