A Decade Later, Adams Reflects on the Events of 9/11


Date: Sept. 9, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Representative Sandy Adams (FL-24) released the following statement reflecting on the events of September 11, 2001.

"Ten years ago our nation was attacked, and together we watched as our freedom and our way of life was threatened. As Americans, we mourned the loss of those who were taken from us and those who sacrificed their lives to save others. As a nation, we worked together to rebuild and moved forward as one. A decade ago, our nation was shaken to the core by these senseless attacks, but instead of faltering our country stood strong. We have proved to the terrorists who plotted and implemented these evil attacks that our nation's foundation, our spirit and our strength is too strong to break.

"As we reflect on those horrific events, we must never forget those we have lost and we must never lose our resolve to fight the terrorists who killed so many and attacked the country we love. On September 11th we must remember, but we must never forget."
