Leader Cantor Statement on House Passage of TRAIN Act


Date: Sept. 23, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) released the following statement on the House passage of the Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts to the Nation (TRAIN) Act, H.R. 2401, a bipartisan bill that is part of the House Republicans' fall regulatory reform agenda. The TRAIN Act will evaluate the economic impact of pending Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations that will raise electricity and fuel rates, increase burdens on families and businesses and cost millions of jobs.

"With the economy stalled and Americans struggling to make ends meet, we have to make it easier for businesses small and large to create jobs so that people can get back to work. The regulatory agenda imposed by the Obama Administration places enormous costs on working families and businesses and is preventing job growth at a time when we should be encouraging it. The TRAIN Act puts the breaks on EPA regulations by requiring economic impact assessments of pending regulations, and delays the implementation of two controversial EPA rules that would impose billions in compliance costs on small businesses, families, and local governments, eliminate millions of jobs and raise electricity prices.

"I thank Chairman Upton, Congressman John Sullivan, and the House Energy and Commerce Committee for their leadership on this sensible and bipartisan legislation that will pull back proposed regulations so we can see small businesses prosper and job growth begin again. We hope the President and Senate Democrats will join us in getting rid of these job-destroying regulations in order to spur economic growth, job creation and get people back to work."
