Empowering Parents Through Quality Charter Schools Act

Floor Speech

By: Phil Roe
By: Phil Roe
Date: Sept. 8, 2011
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: K-12 Education

Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong support of the Empowering Parents through Quality Charter Schools Act. It's heartening to see strong, bipartisan support for a bill that will do a lot of good for America's children.

A high quality education should be the birthright of every American child. As a society, we must ensure that they have the tools needed to chase their dreams and to succeed in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. A child growing up in Cocke County, Tennessee, today will some day compete for jobs with young people in China, India, and around the world. It's our duty to prepare our children and this great country for this reality.

Sadly, we're falling short in this responsibility. While many of our traditional public schools are outstanding, others leave students falling through the cracks. That's why an increasing number of parents are turning to charter schools to educate their children. But the supply has been unable to keep up with the demand. An estimated 420,000 students are on the waiting list to be admitted to charter schools. It's heartbreaking to know that the trajectory of these children's lives will be, in no small part, determined by a lottery. We can and must do better.

H.R. 2218 will help more students gain access to a quality education by facilitating the development of high performing charter schools. It reauthorizes the charter school program, which provides start-up grants to help charter schools open the doors, buy classroom materials, and teach new students. The bill also encourages States to support the development and expansion of charter schools, while ensuring an emphasis on quality and innovation.

The best educational system is one in which parents, teachers, and local school boards collaborate to set the agenda, not Washington, DC. This bill puts more power in the hands of those who know our children best and their needs best.

Charter schools are not a silver bullet, but they offer a way out for students who otherwise would be trapped in a failing school. Every charter school that is supported through this program is one more choice a parent will have to ensure their children's future success.

I thank my colleagues for their bipartisan support, and I urge my colleagues to vote ``yes.''
