Blumenauer on President Obama's Jobs Speech: "Modest, Doable and Bipartisan"


Today, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), a senior member of the House Budget and Ways & Means Committees, issued the following statement regarding President Obama's speech to a joint session of Congress:

"The President was sincere and emphatic. He talked about simple, commonsense things that we can do at a time when Americans and particularly Oregonians are desperately concerned about jobs and employment.

"It's modest, doable and bipartisan with a number of proposals that should not be controversial. If we can do much of this, it is a great signal that Congress will start working together again.

"If we can't, it's a signal that politics is trumping economic recovery and we'll continue to have rough sledding, not just in the next twelve weeks as the Super Committee meets but for the next 14 months and beyond.

"I don't believe that tax cuts will create as many jobs as investing in infrastructure but I look forward to reading the President's plan and to more details. We must guard against people just taking the easy political step of cutting taxes and not the heavy lifting of tax reform and funding our failing infrastructure."
