We Will never Forget


Date: Sept. 9, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Steve Pearce issued the following statement regarding the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks:

"Ten years ago today, our nation faced an unprovoked and unprecedented attack on our own soil, against our own civilians. Today, the wounds of that attack have still not fully healed from the 2,973 lives that were lost. On that day, and in the painful weeks and months that followed, we were reminded what it means to be an American. We came together, whether to donate blood, volunteer our time and money, or to pray. We placed new value on our freedoms, on our loved ones, and on service to our neighbors. And, as we came alongside one another, we began to heal.

We will never forget those who were lost or the heroic rescue workers who showed no fear. We will never forget the images that now mean so much to us as a nation: crosses built from wreckage, firemen hoisting the flag, Americans joining hands in prayer. On this anniversary, we remember those whose lives were lost, we remember what we are fighting for, and we honor our soldiers who have courageously sacrificed to protect and defend our freedoms. I ask that we all keep the families of our fallen heroes as well as our military men and women in our thoughts and prayers, as we remember the events of 9/11."
