Ellmers Statement on Latest Job Figures


Date: Aug. 25, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Renee Ellmers released the following statement from her office in Washington this afternoon:

"This morning, the Department of Labor released its latest weekly unemployment report, showing another rise in jobless claims to 417,000 for last week and marking over twenty straight weeks over 400,000. Our economy is on life support as the President and leaders in the Senate continue to waver on their responsibilities and take action. With millions of Americans struggling and each week new reports of fresh layoffs, the President has to decide whether he is going to lead our nation or, like his colleagues in the Senate, remain inept. This is the time when great leaders rise to the occasion and offer bold solutions. These are the struggles that test our will to move forward and strive for a better tomorrow. A failure to succeed is human, but the unwillingness to try is a deficit in courage."

"My colleagues and I in the House are up to the challenge and have already passed nine jobs bills which are sitting idly, waiting any action of the Senate. I call on Harry Reid and the Democrat-controlled Senate to either vote on this important legislation or submit their own plan to get our economy back on track. The American people are waiting for direction and will not stomach the failure to lead."

House Republicans have a plan to create jobs and restore confidence and certainty to the economy. The House Republicans plan includes a budget that would protect America's entitlement programs from bankruptcy (without tax hikes), a Plan for America's Job Creators that would provide a better environment for private-sector job growth, and a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution so Washington will be required to live within its means. In addition, there are over a dozen other jobs bills approved by the House which have stalled in the Democrat senate. Unfortunately, the 13.9 million unemployed Americans have been ignored by the President and Democrats in Washington. Republicans are committed to creating jobs, getting our nation's fiscal house in order, and restoring economic certainty for long-term growth and prosperity for every American.
