Issue Position: Fighting Special Interests

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2011

The corrupting influences that special interests have over our political system have never been stronger. Politicians in Washington, D.C. are completely beholden to these special interest groups to fund their political campaigns. It is time that someone stands-up against the power of the big checks, the bundled checks and the corporate checks.

This campaign is about challenging the institutionally corrupt forces that are opposing real reform. I want to empower the average citizens on Main Street, not the well-paid lobbyists from Wall Street. To do so, I will need the support of some of the 99% of Americans who have never donated to a candidate for elected office.

I am committed to fighting these corrupt special interests and I am willing to take the tough, bold steps necessary to do so. That is why I have refused to accept PAC money and limited individual campaign donations to a maximum of $100. We need a President who is free to lead.
