Issue Position: Fiscal Responsibility

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2011

For the first time in history, America's credit rating has been downgraded -- a direct result of Washington's insatiable appetite for debt and the President's refusal to control spending.

Rick Perry's vision and record stands in stark contrast to that of the Obama administration.

As a fiscal conservative, Rick Perry has controlled spending and taxes in Texas. Every budget he's signed has been balanced, and when tough economic times caused a record shortfall, he insisted on balancing the budget by reducing spending -- not with new taxes.

Rick Perry is the first Texas governor since World War II to reduce general revenue spending. He's used his line-item veto to cut more than $3 billion in proposed spending -- more than all other Texas governors combined.

He also cut taxes on small businesses and delivered a historic property tax cut, and protected the state's "Rainy Day Fund," which currently has $6 billion set aside for future needs.

Rick Perry believes that rising deficits, record debt and failed stimulus spending have jeopardized the future of our country, and he will take his proven budget-cutting record to Washington.
