Issue Position: Jobs and Economy

Issue Position

Achieving sustained economic growth and creating jobs in Michigan is my number one priority in Congress. While Michigan's economy has been reeling from losses in the auto industry and older manufacturers, there have been some bright spots--from Hemlock Semiconductor in the Saginaw area to United Solar Ovonic in Greenville. What this shows is that we can create jobs in Michigan, but we have to prepare ourselves for the jobs and careers of the future. To do that we must:

* Repeal and replace the most egregious provisions in the health care bill so small and large businesses alike aren't crushed by skyrocketing health care costs and taxes and penalties. Also, ensure employees will not lose the health care coverage they have or be taxed if they don't have the "right" kind of coverage.

* Lower the tax burden on all American families and businesses. In this economic climate, it is absolutely wrong to raise taxes on families and employers. If we do anything on this front, we should make the tax code simpler and fairer, not larger and more painful.

* Get energy prices under control -- that is everything from gas prices to electricity rates. Lower energy prices and a reliable energy supply are keys to economic success, especially in the manufacturing sector.

* We must enforce our trade laws so other countries do not have an unfair advantage when competing with our workers. Trade yields many benefits for the Michigan economy, but we must hold our trading partners accountable.

* Invest in our workers and invest in Research and Development. We need to have the best retraining programs and we must invest heavily in R&D. I am proud to have authored a bipartisan bill to expand the R&D tax credit that helps companies invest more money right here in America. I also helped get enacted an expanded Trade Adjustment Assistance program to help retrain workers for a new and diversifying economy.
