Kelly Votes in Support of the Budget Control Act of 2011


Date: July 29, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (PA-03) issued the following statement on his vote tonight in support of the Budget Control Act of 2011:

"Tonight I did what I truly believe was in the best interest of this country. While the Budget Control Act of 2011 is far from perfect, it is consistent with the commitment I've made to reduce spending without raising tax rates, while also putting in place the necessary budget reforms to reign in deficit spending.

"We are at a critical time in America's history, not just because of next week's debt ceiling deadline, but because our nation is so deeply in debt that the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, has called our nation's $14.3 trillion debt the "greatest threat to our national security.'

"Simply put, America has a spending addiction that has not only compromised our economic well-being, it has left us vulnerable to those who wish us harm, and indebted to those with competing interests.

"Despite the severity of the situation, President Obama has refused to put forward, in writing, his own plan to reduce the debt, showing a lack of leadership and an abdication of responsibility that is beyond disappointing.

"Last week, the House passed the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act, which would have raised the debt ceiling while offering clear and comprehensive measures to dial back spending and reduce the tremendous burden of debt we are placing on our children and grandchildren.

"Even though this was the only written plan offering the types of spending cuts and reforms that would have prevented a credit rating decrease, the president promised to veto it and the Senate refused to vote on it.

"And so tonight, left with little choice from a president who has decided to lecture instead of lead and a Senate that hasn't even been able to pass a budget inmore than 800 days, the House offered a reasonable plan that would avoid a credit default, cut federal spending, and set the stage for a long-overdue balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

"I urge the Senate to vote in support of this bill so the American people can have the peace of mind and sense of certainty that they deserve."
