Statement Regarding House Debt Reform Measure


Date: July 28, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-7) today released the following statement regarding U.S. House consideration of the Budget Control Act of 2011.

"Fiscal irresponsibility continues to be the greatest threat facing America in the 21st Century and much greater efforts must be taken to bring our fiscal house in order and meaningfully reduce the Nation's unsustainable levels of spending, debt and deficits. Today's proposal put forth by House Speaker Boehner is not the ultimate solution to our Nation's fiscal crisis. It does, however, enact meaningful fiscal reforms while granting President Obama his request to increase our borrowing limit.

"Like many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, I do not support default. If today's bill passes the House, I urge the United States Senate to act expeditiously on the measure to avoid default."
