House Sends Second Balanced Budget Plan to Senate

Date: July 29, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Representative Reid Ribble (WI-08) today released the following statement on his vote to pass the Budget Control Act of 2011.

"The House has now passed two plans to deal with the debt crisis while the Senate and the President have yet to do anything but say "no'. This is an issue that cannot be resolved with political speeches -- it takes action. For far too long the federal government has been mindlessly spending money it doesn't have, and now our country is at the brink of defaulting and losing its triple-A credit rating.

"When I first sat down with my colleagues to write The Cut, Cap and Balance Act, we focused on creating legislation that would get our country's fiscal house in order, while keeping in mind the President's demand to raise the debt limit. We presented a well thought-out, fact-based solution that would fundamentally change this country's spending habits and promote future economic growth. Instead of leaving the door open for compromise, Cut, Cap and Balance was killed before it even hit the Senate floor.

"I have been open to compromise, and today's vote to pass The Budget Control Act proves that. I continue to believe that Cut, Cap and Balance is the best way to deal with our country's out-of-control spending, but more importantly I do not want our country to default and slip closer toward economic catastrophe. It's critically important that a Balanced Budget Amendment was part of today's legislation. Decades of deficits and trillions of debt have proven that a Balanced Budget Amendment is the only way the federal government can truly reform its spending habits, and ensure that our children and grandchildren don't get stuck with the bill.

"There are millions of Americans who are still unemployed and small businesses that are doing everything they can to stay afloat in these uncertain times. The American people elected us into office so that we can turn this country around and make it better for future generations. I do not take this responsibility lightly. I am working hard to get government spending under control and our economy back on track so that Wisconsin families can enjoy a more prosperous tomorrow."
