Issue Position: National Defense

Issue Position

The primary function of the federal government is to provide for national defense. Congress must ensure that our armed forces have the proper training, equipment and funding to protect us from enemies both at home and abroad. It is a sad reality that in the post-9/11 world, terrorism is a very real threat. To combat this, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to providing the best security possible for U.S. citizens. As a member of the Budget Committee, I am fully committed to ensuring the armed forces have the resources necessary to protect our country, while eliminating waste and fraudulent spending.

The Fifth District boasts one of the most critical military bases in the country, Shaw Air Force Base. The base is home to the largest combat F-16 wing, the 20th Fighter Wing, as well as Ninth Air Force and U.S. Air Forces Central (USAFCENT). Shaw is also the new home for Third Army. This move will serve as an economic driver for the District, and I will continue to support Shaw Air Force Base in any way I can. I don't think it's possible to overemphasize the importance of Shaw to this District or the importance of adding Third Army to Shaw AFB.
