Issue Position: Seniors

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2011

"The federal government should enact policies to help our nation's seniors grow older with dignity and independence. For this reason, I will continue working to increase seniors' access to affordable prescription drugs and healthcare, expand their ability to save for retirement, and allow for them to live in fully accessible communities."
Crowley on Upholding the Promise of Medicare

* Opposes cutting federal payments to physicians who treat Medicare patients.
* Voted to improve benefits for all Medicare beneficiaries, while at the same time extend the life of the Medicare program. The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act, which was originally vetoed by President Bush, was enacted in July 2008.
* Author of the Oncology Quality Care Improvement Act, which would improve quality of care for seniors undergoing cancer treatment and keep Medicare solvent.

Crowley Working to Preserve Access to Affordable Prescription Drugs

* Supports reducing the cost of prescription drugs by allowing for the safe re-importation of drugs into the United States.
* Led an effort to reduce the cost of prescription drugs for all low-income seniors by putting a 2.5 percent annual cap on the out-of-pocket expenses seniors incur under the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit.
* Fighting to improve the Medicare prescription drug benefit for seniors, including advocating for the elimination of the gap in coverage (also referred to as the "donut hole").

Crowley Fighting to Protect Social Security and Retirement Security

* Vehemently opposed to privatizing Social Security, which would make seniors' retirement benefits vulnerable to the whims of the stock-market.
* Supports encouraging retirement savings by expanding automatic enrollment in payroll-deducted IRAs and providing tax incentives to save for retirement.

Crowley Wants to Ensure Seniors are Safe and Secure

* Supporter of legislation -- the Elder Justice Act -- that would provide greater protections to seniors living in nursing homes.
* Supporter of legislation requiring the removal of Social Security numbers from Medicare cards, which would reduce the threat of identity theft.

Updated July 26, 2011
