Voter Suppression and Voter ID

Floor Speech

By: Tim Ryan
By: Tim Ryan
Date: July 19, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. RYAN of Ohio. I thank the gentlelady. I would also like to thank Representative Fudge and the Congressional Black Caucus.

This issue of voter identification and voter suppression goes to the heart of our Constitution in this country. Eleven percent of adults would not have a qualified identification to be able to go and vote; 25 percent of African Americans would not have a qualified ID to be able to vote.

And I have one question: Where's the Tea Party on this issue? Where's the Tea Party with all the placards about freedom and liberty and we're losing our country? We have an issue that is fundamental to what it means to be an American, the right to vote. The question I have is: Where's the Tea Party on the voter suppression issue?

