We Need Jobs

Floor Speech

Date: July 20, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, Republican slash-and-burn politics have not created a single job for hardworking Americans and Republicans have not presented a bill on jobs in this Congress. The fact is we need jobs and we need innovative jobs, and the Democrats have proposed a jobs plan that emphasizes innovation.

We had an opportunity last week to have more investment in solar--less in fossil fuels--solar green jobs that are innovative, create more jobs and protect us in the future so we don't have to spend money on defense to protect those lines that bring us oil from the Middle East, yet we didn't do it.

We need to invest in education, and the Democrats have tried to do that. But the Republicans want to cut Pell Grants and cut workforce investment opportunities. We need to have an educated workforce, and we need to have creative ways to create jobs and not just be slaving to Big Oil and Wall Street.

Jobs is our most important business here. And while I speak of jobs, we have one job the American public wants us to do, and that is prevent a default on our debt and embarrass the United States and wreck the world's economy. That's more important than any pledge, Mr. Speaker, that anybody has taken. Don't default.

