Akin Cosponsor of Cut, Cap and Balance Legislation

Press Release

Date: July 15, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO), will vote to reduce spending, cap growth of government and balance the budget when the Cut, Cap and Balance legislation is voted upon today. Akin is a cosponsor of the Cut, Cap and Balance legislation, H.R. 2560 that will address the looming debt limit crisis through immediate spending cuts, capping future spending and passing a balanced budget amendment.

"Increasingly I am hearing from my constituents an unwillingness to grant Congress and the Administration a multitrillion dollar increase in the Nation's credit card limit," said Akin. "We need a change in course in Washington that brings us back on a path of fiscal health."

The legislation known as "The Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011" will cut total spending by $111 billion in FY 2012, cap spending to a percent of GDP and require the passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment before raising the nation's debt limit.

"I am cosponsoring and voting for the Cut, Cap and Balance Act of 2011 as a realistic response to the looming debt limit crisis," said Akin. "The use of inflamed rhetoric by the Administration and frantic threats of withholding social security does not recognize the imperative of correcting our course as a nation in order to meet our commitments to national defense, those who are already retired and receiving social security."

"It is my belief that cooler heads will prevail and legislation that addresses out-of-control spending, caps the growth of government and balances the budget will be passed as a solution to our nation's debt ceiling debate," said Akin. "Anything short of a real solution is a detriment to our survival as a nation."
