Rangel: Honoring the National Labor Relations Act


Date: July 5, 2011
Location: New York, NY
Issues: Labor Unions

Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement commemorating the 76th anniversary of the passing of the National Labor Relations Act on July 5, 1935:

"Seventy-six years ago today, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law the National Labor Relations Act, which continues to protect the rights of employees and employers, encourages fair bargaining, and blocks harmful practices that hurt our nation's workers, businesses and the economy.

This important piece of legislation in our nation's history has allowed working Americans to enjoy their rights to assemble and organize into labor unions. Unions have been instrumental in strengthening the middle class. Leaders like AFL-CIO President Dennis Hughes, DC 37 Executive Director Lillian Roberts, Teamsters Local 237 President Gregory Floyd. SEIU Local 1199 President George Gresham and SEIU 32BJ President Mike Fishman, and AFT and UFT Presidents Randi Weingarten and Michael Mulgrew have all marched in the spirit of A. Philip Randolph and Thomas Van Arsdale to protect the civil rights of all Americans in the workplace and I stand by my fellow soldiers in our continued struggle to preserve the Labor Movement and all the victories fought and won.

With the recent change of rules enacted by the National Labor Relations Board, working Americans will be able to quickly unionize and cut the time businesses have to mount anti-union campaigns. There is still more to do for our workers. That is why I co-sponsored the Employee Non-Discrimination Act which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender in the workforce. I will keep on supporting other bills that ensure labor rights and will work hand in hand with union leaders to create an equal partnership in revitalizing our economy."
