Chuck Fleischmann Comments on President Obama's Plan for Afghanistan


Date: June 22, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Chuck Fleischmann commented on President Obama's plans for Afghanistan.

"We cannot allow Afghanistan to return to a breeding ground for terrorism. We must continue to take the fight to the terrorists. Our brave men and women in uniform have made great sacrifices to ensure progress towards this goal and keeping our homeland safe. The counterinsurgency strategy implemented by General Petraeus has resulted in great progress towards stability in Afghanistan. I trust the advice of the generals and officers on the ground, and believe they will not keep our servicemen and women there a day longer than necessary," Fleischmann said.

"I encourage President Obama to continue listening to the men and women with mud and blood on their boots. They know firsthand what it takes to succeed in Afghanistan, and what strategy will be most effective in helping us achieve our goal."

"While it has been a long battle, it is important we continue to dismantle Al Qaeda's network and their ability to carry out more terrorist attacks. I thank all of the men and women of our military who have fought to keep us free, who have spent years away from their families and who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our security. We can never fully repay the debt we owe our military members, but we can stand strongly behind them while they fight for our rights and freedoms."
