Medicare is Going Broke, Mr. President

Floor Speech

Date: June 15, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, this administration has failed to lead, they have failed to budget, and now they have failed to produce any viable solution for saving Medicare. In fact, their solution is to let it go broke.

In 13 short years, Medicare's Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will run completely out of money. Bankrupting this program will leave many of our Nation's seniors high and dry and our future generations without a health care program to depend upon.

And guess what? The Obama administration doesn't care. Instead of making Medicare reform a top priority, the administration has passed the task off to a panel of unqualified bureaucrats--like it was busy work that they couldn't be bothered with.

Mr. Speaker, Medicare is going broke. That's a reality this administration has to face. The program is already driving up the larger-than-life debt, and it will only get worse from here. I urge the administration to at least present us with one option for fixing Medicare's present money problem. And if they can't, the House GOP doctors have plenty of suggestions of where to begin.

