Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012

Floor Speech

Date: June 15, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the last word.

The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman from Oregon is recognized for 5 minutes.

Mr. BLUMENAUER. I rise to engage in a colloquy with my friend from California (Mr. Farr) about cuts in this legislation.

As I have been analyzing the legislation coming before us, Mr. Farr, it appears that the legislation, if approved in the form that is before us, would have a really devastating impact upon American farmers, families, and the environment. The legislation before us, as I understand it, cuts nearly $1 billion from the five main conservation programs, conservation programs that put money directly in the pockets of family farmers.

Over the last 5 years, these programs have been so popular that the list of farmers who want to participate greatly outweighs the availability. Both the Conservation Stewardship Program and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program have twice as many applicants as they can serve. And the Wetlands Reserve Program and the Grasslands Reserve Program combined have over 1 million acres waiting to apply.

These are not programs that are underutilized or ineffective. They appear to be widely popular and provide a direct benefit to America's farmers and ranchers. These would appear to be exactly the type of programs we should be supporting. They provide support for family farms and producers who are doing exactly the right thing, ensuring that we use precious tax dollars not only to support farmers and ranchers but to ensure clean water, clean air, and fertile productive soil.

They are a blueprint for a better path forward, a farm bill that helps farmers add value and truly supports small- and mid-sized operations. I was wondering if you would care to comment on my concerns.

Mr. FARR. I appreciate my good friend from Oregon's (Mr. Blumenauer) sentiments. And as ranking member of the House Ag Appropriations Subcommittee, I am a strong supporter of these conservation programs used both in Oregon and in my State of California. And I am distressed by the proposed cuts to these programs.

I would like to point out that the Farm Bureau also opposes large cuts to the important working lands program and the Environment Quality Incentives Program. I find it especially disappointing that these funding levels are low enough that the USDA will have to break current contracts. That is an unfair result for our farmers and ranchers who have counted on the support and technical assistance for the year ahead.

The funding levels for the 2008 farm bill were carefully negotiated, and it is frustrating to me and to many others to see the mandatory funding for conservation programs decrease so drastically because this bill was given such a low allocation.

Mr. BLUMENAUER. I appreciate the sentiments of my good friend from California, as I appreciate his leadership on issues that relate to both agriculture and protecting the environment.

Mr. Chairman, I am hopeful that Members will spend time looking at what this means to farmers and ranchers in their communities and hope that as the legislation works its way through Congress, we will be able to reverse these efforts.

I yield back the balance of my time.


Mr. BLUMENAUER. I appreciate the sentiments of my good friend from California, as I appreciate his leadership on issues that relate to both agriculture and protecting the environment.

Mr. Chairman, I am hopeful that Members will spend time looking at what this means to farmers and ranchers in their communities and hope that as the legislation works its way through Congress, we will be able to reverse these efforts.

I yield back the balance of my time.

