Introduction of the Prostate Act

Floor Speech

By: Ed Towns
By: Ed Towns
Date: June 14, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today during Men's Health Week to urge my colleagues to support the fight against one of our Nation's leading causes of death among men--prostate cancer. There are significant racial and ethnic disparities that demand attention: African Americans have prostate cancer mortality rates that are more than double those in the white population. Underserved rural populations have higher rates of mortality compared to their urban counterparts. Additionally, certain veterans' populations may have nearly twice the incidence of prostate cancer than the general population of the United States.

There should be coordination across Federal agencies which are already receiving significant resources focused on prostate cancer programs. This coordination would serve to improve accountability and actively encourage the translation of research into practice. Additionally, this coordination would serve to identify and implement best practices, in order to foster an integrated and monolithic focus on effective prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

For these reasons, I, along with Rep. Broun, now introduce this bi-partisan piece of legislation. Our bill provides for a time-limited interagency taskforce to ensure that the Federal dollars invested in the fight against this disease are well spent.

In 2010, more than 217,730 new patients were diagnosed with, and more than 32,050 men died from this disease. Furthermore, about 1 man in 6 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, and roughly 2 million Americans are living with a diagnosis of prostate cancer and its consequences. While prostate cancer generally affects older individuals, younger men are also at risk for the disease. When prostate cancer appears in early middle age it frequently takes on a more aggressive form. Prostate cancer continues to be a serious threat to our Nation's men.

I urge my colleagues to support this bill, and use this as an opportunity to show America's men that they have your support.
