Snyder Statement on Tax Reform Approval


Date: May 12, 2011
Location: Lansing, MI
Issues: Taxes

Gov. Rick Snyder issued the following statement regarding legislative approval of the tax reform plan:

"The Michigan Legislature made a powerful statement by passing these landmark reforms. We are making the tough decisions and taking the bold actions necessary to put our state on the path to prosperity. Michigan's complex, unwieldy and unfair tax structure has been a major impediment to economic growth. By bringing greater fairness and simplicity to the system, we are correcting longstanding inequities, protecting low-income families and paving the way for economic expansion.

"Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville and House Speaker Jase Bolger deserve our appreciation for acting in Michigan's best interests, as do committee chairmen Sen. Mark Jansen and Rep. Jud Gilbert and their colleagues who supported these critical improvements. They have done families and job providers a great service. We also owe Lt. Gov. Brian Calley a special thanks for his leadership. As a key architect of this proposal, Lt. Gov. Calley has been instrumental in seeing it through the entire process. We will continue working with our legislative partners to advance a pro-Michigan agenda that energizes the economy and enhances the overall quality of life for all families."
