The Meehan Monthly - April


April was a busy and productive month in the United States Congress. I was pleased when earlier this month, a bipartisan agreement on spending cuts for this fiscal year was reached. We also voted on a 2012 Budget Proposal (more information on that is below). Throughout all of these funding debates, I remain committed to cutting spending, getting our economy back on track, and putting people back to work.

While we certainly have our challenges here at home, over the past few months we have seen a political uprising abroad. I chaired a hearing of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, focused on the impact of the unrest in the Middle East and North Africa on our U.S. homeland security. Click here to read more about the hearing.

During the district work period, I have had the opportunity to meet with many constituents, visit area businesses, and be a part of some fantastic events showcasing our wonderful 7th District. Below are just a few highlights from the past month. To learn even more about what I have been working on, please visit my website and my Facebook page.


Patrick Meehan

Town Hall Meetings
Over the past two weeks, I have had the opportunity to hold various town hall meetings throughout the 7th District. On Wednesday, April 20th I held a series of town hall meetings in Upper Providence, Radnor, Westtown, Aston and Woodlyn. I am grateful to those that were able to attend, and for the great questions and productive discussion. I am better able to serve our district when I have the benefit of hearing directly from my constituents about how the decisions made in Washington are affecting them. I look forward to continuing this type of dialogue in the upcoming months. For information about upcoming town hall meetings, contact my office.

2012 Budget Proposal
I recently voted to support the 2012 Budget Proposal put forth by my colleague Representative Paul Ryan, the Chairman of the House Budget Committee. I support this proposal because it is the first step toward achieving real, bipartisan solutions to create jobs, strengthen and preserve Medicare and Medicaid, and protect our children and grandchildren from a crushing debt burden. The plan will cut $6.2 trillion in spending over the next 10 years.

This is a good starting point, and while I do have some concerns about certain aspects of the proposal, I realize that this is just the beginning of a very long process and I am committed to supporting a fair approach that demonstrates a shared sacrifice among all of us to help end our nation's debt crisis.

It is important to understand that the adjustments proposed to the Medicare program would not change for those currently enrolled in the program or for those soon to be in it. The only Americans impacted by this reform would be those who are currently under the age of 55, with no change for those now 55 and over. I believe Congress must make responsible changes to Medicare today to preserve it now and for generations to come. According to the bipartisan Congressional Budget Office's own projections--if left unchanged, the Medicare program will go bankrupt in 2021. I encourage anyone with questions or concerns to visit my website to get complete, up-to-date, and non-partisan facts about the budget proposal, how it will preserve Medicare for our children and grandchildren, and how it implements real spending reforms.

Visit to Schramm, Inc. in West Chester
Just last week, I had the opportunity to tour Schramm, Inc., the leading manufacturer and global supplier of mobile hydraulic drill rigs. I toured the facility and met with employees to discuss the manufacturing sector. With nearly 9 percent of the American workforce employed directly by the manufacturing industry, there is no doubt that it is a large part of our nation's economy.

American Job Creators
As I travel around the district talking with constituents, one of the most common things I hear about is burdensome government regulations standing in the way of business growth and job creation. That is why I became part of, launched by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. This website collects the personal stories of job creators and employees in the 7th District about how government impacts their business. I believe taxpayers deserve a government that understands its impact on job creators before it regulates -- creating a more efficient and effective government. I intend to do all that I can to ensure we make it easier for businesses to grow and create jobs, resulting in a thriving economy in the 7th District.

5K Benefit for Multiple Sclerosis
On Sunday, April 17th, I participated in a 5K walk to benefit the Multiple Sclerosis Society. The walk was held at beautiful Ridley State Creek Park in Media. We enjoyed some great weather and raised money for a very worthy cause. It is so important that we find a cure for MS

Your Comments and Suggestions
I am here to listen to your concerns and ideas, so please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.
