Weekly Washington Update


Date: July 2, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

This week, while Americans celebrate our Declaration of Independence, the people of Iraq are beginning the process of forging their own independent nation, ushering in a new era of freedom from the religious, political and economic oppression they were forced to endure under Saddam Hussein.

After decades of torture and terror under Saddam's brutal regime, the people of Iraq will take the first step in determining their own destiny. In June, the Coalition Provisional Authority handed over control to a new sovereign Iraqi government, which will oversee the day-to-day operations of Iraq's government and prepare the country for national elections.

In order to preserve a lasting peace in Iraq, the United States and our coalition allies will continue help ensure stability and security that democracy requires. We will continue to help rebuild Iraq's infrastructure and industry and we will continue to encourage even more international support.

Most importantly, we will continue working with the Iraqis to defeat our common enemies - the terrorists, illegal militia and Saddam loyalists who stand between the Iraqi people and their future as a free nation. Our only exit strategy from Iraq is victory over those who prey on innocent civilians and ply the trade of terror.

As President Bush so eloquently stated, "We will persevere, and defeat this enemy, and hold this hard-won ground for the realm of liberty."

This 4th of July, let us remember the brave men and women in uniform that are serving in Iraq and around the world, protecting our liberty and our homeland. It is through their service and sacrifice that future generations of Americans and others will be free from the horrors of terrorism. It is because of them that we will able to enjoy peace, prosperity and the many blessings God has bestowed on this great land, the United States of America.
