McCarthy: Senate Democrats Need To End Political Gamesmanship And Produce A Spending Plan


Date: March 29, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Kevin McCarthy made the following comments at today's Leadership stakeout:

"Now I even wonder, who is leading the Senate? Do we have de facto Leader in Schumer, who thinks he wants to engineer a political game that many reporters could actually hear on a call? He is spending more time on politics than he is on policy. Picking politics before the people. That's not what the American people expect..."


"Just coming back from a week of going up and down California listening to small business roundtables about not making jobs, but creating them. I saw a Joint Economics Committee study before we left that studied 107 countries over forty years. It shows when you cut government spending, jobs get created, and you're able to grow in the private sector. We watched a new Congress be very open about a debate on how to cut spending, where people debated for more than 90 hours. Rep. Weiner even got an amendment passed inside the bill. It was a very open process. We sent it over to the Senate, and waited for 38 days. The Senate has produced nothing. Now I even wonder, who is leading the Senate? Do we have de facto Leader in Schumer, who thinks he wants to engineer a political game that many reporters could actually hear on a call? He is spending more time on politics than he is on policy. Picking politics before the people. That's not what the American people expect, they expect to see what the House went through -- an open debate, to see where everyone actually stands, where everyone can actually have a vote and an amendment. All Americans know when they go to negotiate whether they're going to buy a car or anything else that somebody makes an offer, somebody comes back with another one. The Senate can't even decide who their leader is, let alone if they're going to stop playing politics."
