Rogers Statement on House Budget Proposal


U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, MI-08, issued the following statement today after House Republicans announced a responsible budget plan for 2012. It cuts $6.2 trillion in spending from the president's budget over the next 10 years while setting the nation on course to pay off the national debt.

"The budget unveiled today is a responsible and honest assessment of the growing spending problem. It will lead to job growth and paying off the massive amount of debt that has accumulated in recent years.

"Voters elected the new House majority with a mandate of getting record federal spending under control and seriously addressing the debt crisis that is hampering job creation in America.

"This plan reflects a generational change over how we tackle the mounting debt and deficit. Entitlement programs are growing at an unsustainable rate, the new government takeover of health care will consume one-sixth of the economy and the current tax code continues to hold back small businesses and entrepreneurs.

"The budget offers all Americans a government that provides opportunities for prosperity while keeping intact the social safety net that has been promised to us. It doesn't require us to reinvent our lives to live on lesser means, but encourages us to grow and prosper under the timeless American ideals of fairness and a free market.

"It is a serious and responsible approach to finally reining in runaway spending head-on and setting government on a more sustainable path. And it does so by cutting spending, and reforming government so critical services like Medicare are there for future generations."

Editor's note: Under the plan, Medicare will not change in any way for those 55 years old and older. It will provide a payment to future retirees so that they can choose a health plan, among a variety of plans, that best suits their needs just like Medicare Part D works today. It will also provide them with access to the same types of plans that cover members of Congress and federal workers. This change will preserve Medicare for future generations.
