Price Responds to President Obama's Fiscally Irresponsible Speech

Date: April 13, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Tom Price issued the following statement today in response to President Obama's speech at George Washington University.

"It has been two months since President Obama put forth his budget -- a proposal that completely ignores the difficult decisions necessary to repair America's fiscal house," said Chairman Price. "When given the opportunity to be a part of this debate over America's debt crisis, the president forfeited the mantle of leadership and preferred to sit back and let others lead. Now, the White House has made a political calculation to take a mulligan to boost its re-election efforts. They are hoping that a speech full of distortions and accusations will paint over a presidency defined by policies that are bankrupting our children's future. Contrary to President Obama's mischaracterization and false portrayals, Republicans believe America's best days lie ahead but only if we stop undercutting our prosperity with more government and more taxes.

"Opportunity stems from the people, not Washington. House Republicans believe you actually need to formulate a budget that will not force American families and job creators to do the heavy lifting to relieve our economy of a crushing burden of debt. The automatic tax hikes President Obama proposes will actually make it harder for us to pay down the debt because they will diminish the job creation and investments needed to grow the economy. This is something the president gave lip service to a few months ago when he signed a bill to prevent tax increases.

"Despite President Obama's late entry, the House of Representatives will take up an actual budget proposal this week that addresses the real drivers of our debt and puts America on a path to prosperity. Our plan will put our nation's fiscal house in order by cutting spending and growing the economy. It is a common sense, responsible, honest vision for the future of America rather than another empty speech."
