Rep. Becerra On Republican Budget: America Deserves Better


Today Representative Xavier Becerra (CA-31), Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, released the following statement in response to the unveiling of the House Republican Budget proposal by Chairman Paul Ryan (WI-1):

"This could have been a break-out moment for the Republicans in presenting their budget blueprint for 2012. Instead, they punted.

Republican House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan has presented us with a repackaged budget proposal filled with worn and damaged goods. Privatized Medicare… Newt Gingrinch tried that. Block-granting Medicaid… that's been on their wish list since before I arrived in the Congress in 1992!

Meanwhile, the drivers of these record deficits--unpaid-for Bush tax cuts, unpaid-for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, tax giveaways to the special interests--have found a warm, safe shelter in the bosom of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives.

First, Republicans went after Planned Parenthood. Then they targeted Bert and Ernie. From services for homeless veterans to education from kindergarten to college, and now the dismantling of Medicare and Medicaid, our Republican colleagues have made it clear that their real aim is to pass their unaccomplished social agenda, not a prudent budget. We can do better than this. America deserves better."
