McKinley Statement on Unemployment Jump


Date: March 2, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Work Force West Virginia said Tuesday West Virginia's unemployment rate has risen to a staggering 10.3 percent for the month of January. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, West Virginia's unemployment rate for December 2010 was steady at 9.5 percent. The jump in unemployment alarmed Rep. David. B McKinley, P.E. (R-WV), who issued the following statement:

"This is discouraging," said McKinley. "These are just not statistics to West Virginians. Each of these unemployed families represents a thread that constitutes the fabric of our communities. When one thread is broken, it affects us all. Yesterday, I voted for a short-term continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown while ensuring we are still making the tough choices necessary to right our fiscal ship. Many Americans have been forced to do more with less in recent years and many have wondered when government will reflect the reality of the people they serve. We cannot waste another minute. The time is now to get serious about creating an environment where job-providers have confidence in our economy so we can create jobs and opportunities for West Virginians."
