Addressing the Anti-Hunger Policy Conference


Today I had the tremendous opportunity to address the 2011 National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference here on Capitol Hill. More than 200 grassroots advocates from anti-hunger and anti-poverty groups gathered for a few days of training and networking, including agriculture and education organizations. As the new lead Republican of the Senate Agriculture Committee, I was pleased to offer my insights into the committee's accomplishments over the last few years, and what we can look forward to in the 112th Congress. I told them of my commitment to work with Chairwoman Stabenow to advance the interests of all Americans who access the wide variety of programs that USDA administers, including farmers and ranchers living in rural America and hungry families in urban areas. As always, I welcomed their input on all aspects of federal nutrition programs. It's feedback like theirs that helps us understand what's working and what needs to get sent back to the drawing board.
