Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1, Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, and Waiving Requirement of Clause 6(A) of Rule XIII with Respect to Consideration of Certain Resolutions

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 15, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BOEHNER. My colleagues, I think a lot of you know that I have always believed that the House works best when the House is allowed to work its will.

I think all of you know that we are embarking on a more open process in this Congress, and it will start today with the consideration of this continuing resolution.

I take to the well to suggest to the Members that we want all Members to be able to participate in the debate here in the House. We also want to keep our commitment to the Members to meet the schedule that we have outlined for everyone. That means, as we go through the next couple of days, I am going to ask Members on both sides of the aisle to try to bring your amendments together, to try to respect the amount of time that is being taken so that all Members have an opportunity to be heard and to participate in the debate.

We have never had an open process for a continuing resolution in our history; so we are into some uncharted waters. I am ready to expect whatever. But I do believe that this process is important for all the Members, and I want this week for all of us to get started down this road working together so that, as we get into the weeks and months ahead, we can show the American people that the House can work together, the House can work its will. And, at the end of the day, I think the American people will be better served by our service.

