Southerland Repeals Crippling Paperwork Mandate on Small Business

Press Release

Date: March 3, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Representative Steve Southerland, II voted today to empower America's job creators by lifting the burdensome 1099 tax reporting requirement imposed by the government-run health care law. The tax paperwork repeal passed the House by a bipartisan 314-112 margin.

"As a small business owner, I understand the crippling impact that mountains of paperwork and higher operating costs have on North and Northwest Florida's job creators," said Southerland. "By repealing the 1099 tax reporting mandate, we have eliminated a major barrier to economic growth and moved one step closer to restoring certainty in the marketplace. It is time for Washington to get out of the way and allow our small businesses, who create 65% of new jobs, to prosper."

Repeal of the 1099 requirement was endorsed by a broad coalition of more than 175 economic organizations, including by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business. "NFIB commends Representative Southerland for standing up for small business [by protecting us] from this mountain of paperwork," said NFIB president Dan Danner.
