Directing Committees To Review Reguiations From Federal Agencies

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 11, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposition of H. Res. 72, which would allow for nearly 10 hours of debate on Congress' authority to conduct oversight of executive agencies and the regulatory process. While there is no express authority in the Constitution for oversight, it is implied in Congress' myriad enumerated powers. We have a longstanding system where the executive branch promulgates regulations. If there is a problem with the regulations, the remedy is for the Court to invalidate--not the Congress.

The new House majority promised leaner, more efficient, more focused government. Yet today we are wasting time and money debating a question that was already resolved. This is cheap political theater.

This resolution is redundant and unnecessary. It is simply a waste of time. Americans are hurting. Spending 9 1/2 hours debating something House Committees already have the authority to do is a slap in the face to the millions of unemployed individuals in this country.

I am ready to roll my sleeves up and get to work and help those who have been harmed because of deregulation. I am ready to do what my constituents elected me to do--focus on growing the economy and creating jobs.

We should be spending our time discussing legislation that will allow us to invest in America and grow the middle class.

I strongly oppose this resolution and urge my colleagues to do the same.

